Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Active Encouragement

I have previously written about my newly found faith in Jesus Christ and the Christian religion and when I read the prompt for this assignment about something that has served as active encouragement for personal and/or professional growth, I couldn't help but to think about that as my catalyst. I have been impacted personally and professionally because of my faith. Personally, I spend a lot less time worrying and more time thanking God for what I have. I struggle with anxiety and since I have started attending church regularly the negative thoughts and feelings have really subsided. Professionally I have seen a change in myself in how I handle meetings and conflicts. I used to get really upset over little things and now I think I have a better understanding of what is in my control and what is not.

Everything really comes down to balance which is why I suspect we are reading this book. If the spiritual side of your life isn't in check it throws everything else off. When things are aligned EVERY part of your life is better.


  1. NIkki, this is so good to hear (read). I agree that having a strong faith and being in touch with your spiritual side is elemental to a well balanced life. God knows that you are doing the best you can, and he will carry you through your struggles. Focusing on the things you are grateful for is such a better use of your time them worrying about things you can't control.

  2. I appreciate the way you are able to articulate your faith and rely on it to help balance the tougher things that come at you. I am sure that this makes you a better teacher and colleague as well!
