Wednesday, February 13, 2019

“It seems to me that the best teachers are the ones who are quietly rebellious.”

Are the best teachers those who are quietly rebellious? I think so. When I think of the best teachers I know I think of one in particular, Shelby Chollett. Shelby was my collaborating teacher when I was a student teacher and is now a trusted colleague and friend. I'll never forget the first time I was in one of "those" meetings. The kind of meeting where people were yelling and upset and I left the meeting feeling discouraged and angry. Shelby looked at me and said "as long as you are always doing what is best for kids then you are always doing the right thing, no matter what they tell you in a meeting".

I'll never forget this moment and this is something I still live by those. Do what's best for kids - always.

1 comment:

  1. You couldn't have said it better!! Can you think of an example where you were told to do something that didn't keep students' best interests at heart?
