Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My "Why"

If you ask one of the teachers that I work with why he is a teacher he will always tell you it's because of "180". What does 180 mean? Those are the number of the days per year that we work. He is implying that he is a teacher because of all of the time off we get. But for me I am a teacher because of the kids. I love kids. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for a career I was unclear about the specifics but I knew it was going to be something with kids. When I was a teenager I volunteered at an after school program working with students in grades K-5. I loved every minute of it. Kids are so resilient and fun and they push you to be a better person.

It's hard to explain how I show my love of kids in my classroom. I guess one of the ways I do this is spending time talking to my students. I try to talk to each of my students every day, there is 115 of them this year. Before class, after class, in the hallways, or during work time - it doesn't really matter I am always checking in with them about their lives. I want them to know that I care about who they are as people, not just about their academics.


  1. You are so right! It is all about the kids. I think connecting with them through non-academic conversations is so important and fun, too. I would take a room full of kids over a room full of adults any day of the week. I like how you said they "push you to be a better person." Working with kids is inspiring and keeps us young at heart.

  2. Wow - I think the best evidence of you living into your WHY is the fact that you wouldn't think of "180" as being a response to the question, "Why do you teach?" A love of your students is a fantastic why - to be a positive cheerleader for kids who need one is a great reason to teach - I can tell that you believe in the power of relationships.

  3. What could be some possibilities for continuing the cycle and getting your students excited about the possibility of a job working with children for themselves in the future?
